Monday, May 30, 2011

Sweet Dreams with Beautiful Negligees

To own a piece of lingerie is to own a piece of luxury and nothing makes a woman feel as luxurious as when she wears a delightfully and beautifully sheer negligee to sleep. Sleep is often taken for granted and seen as another one of the cursory functions of the body. However, if you have ever spent a night without sleep, because you've been too uncomfortable or restless to sleep, no doubt you’d appreciate the value of good sleep.

One of the tricks to getting a good night’s rest is comfort; it is really very hard to sleep when one is uncomfortable. In addition to making sure that your environment is conducive to sleep – by keeping the lights dim, regulating the temperature until it’s just right – what you wear to sleep is also very important. Comfortable sleepwear goes a long way to aid a good night’s sleep.

The negligee has become a popular sleepwear among many women because of the comfortable feeling it evokes in the wearer. Beyond comfort however, a negligee brings out the sensuality in a woman, making her feel beautiful. There are many reasons why the negligee has remained so popular over the years.

If your negligee is made from the right fabric, it embraces the body in a way that soothes and caresses you to sleep. There are not many fabrics that can produce that effect however and silk is at the top of the list. However, owning silk lingerie is definitely an investment which a lot of women can’t afford. An excellent alternative, which is as sheer and as soft as silk but is much less expensive, is bamboo fabric.

There is a reason why bamboo fabric is gaining fame among lingerie designers. Although the fabric is as sheer as silk, it is even more breathable than cotton, making it the perfect choice for a negligee. Because of the breathability of the fabric, it is suitable for either hot or cold climates.

Bamboo fabric is one of the top organic fabrics in the market as neither pesticides nor herbicides were used in growing the bamboo. This is because bamboo naturally contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that make the use of chemicals unnecessary. The great thing about bamboo fabric is that it retains these antibacterial and antifungal properties even after several washes.

To get the best out of your negligee, look for handmade negligees that are custom made to fit your unique physical structure. Handmade negligees from bamboo fabric are the final word in affordable, organic luxury.

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